Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hey, hey hey hey.

This is Siri, me and Sarah at a party over the weekend. I love these girls.

This is me and Jeff's parents, Mark & Valerie.
Well, I am blessed. That's for sure.

Okay I know I've been sucking at blogging lately. I love doing it when I'm actually doing it, but when I'm not I'm like "Mehhhhh I have more important things to do and blah blah blah I should just delete my whole blog." But I think maybe I'll try harder.

So this is where I am right now: sitting at the table by the kitchen, waiting for 9 other people to get ready because I thought we were leaving at 9 for San Antonio so I woke up at 7 45, but no one is ready. Perfect time to blog!

We have some friends from Switzerland here visiting with us, and they are a BLAST. Seriously, I absolutely adore them. Yesterday we went to NASA with them and today we're driving to San Antonio. I'm excited. Oh yes and yesterday I got to drive around 5 crazy little girls and party hard and dance and sing.

My stomach hurts and I don't know why. AHHHHHHH. It's raining outside and we have to drive in this weather. I took the SAT December 4th and it went better than expected. I got a guitar for Christmas. My room is cold. I don't want school to start on Tuesday.

Jeff's parents came to visit. I love them.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas guys :)

This is my 101st post. Cool beans guys, cool beans.

Well finals are this week. I have no time whatsoever. Right now in my life, I am between a rock and a hard place in a lot of different aspects. But hey! I don't mind that much, it's all good. I'll figure it out over time I think...

I really don't have time right now but once this week is over I'll blog a lot more and update in full depth!

Love always,


Thursday, December 9, 2010


Okay dude. I have not been blogging at all lately, I am SO SORRY. Life is just too much right now and I have no life whatsoever. Kim has been getting on my case too because I haven't been blogging on either.

School is INSANE. I have so much stinkin' stuff to do all the time and I'm sleep deprived. Can I give you a more in depth update later? I have to go study my butt off for Pre Calculus.

Remember who you are and what you stand for-


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Draw a map, find a path, take a breath and run.

Sorry guys, I just don't ever have time anymore. This is craziness. School and everything else is taking over my life and the past few weeks have been intensely stressful. However, they have also been intensely wonderful :)

Well, life is cray cray. Let me just elaborate on a couple of cool things-

Tuesday this Dutch professor from Holland named Mient Jan Faber came to speak on war, specifically the war on Iraq, and I got excited because he is from Den Haag which is where I used to live! So afterwards I waited to go speak to him and we started talking, and then I asked him about how to get in contact with students in war zone because that was something he mentioned that really intrigued me. He gave me his card so I just emailed him and I'm excited out of my mind for his response. 

This upcoming Monday we're all going to my aunt and uncle's house in Atlanta, Georgia, and Siri and I cannot wait. I'm driving Siri and I (13 hours!) so we're going to have tons of fun blasting music and talking and being crazy. I love love love Thanksgiving.

Weeeeeeeeell, the church's head graphics department in SLC contacted me and told me to keep checking up with the media section of the because my pictures should be on it! Or on the church magazines, so I have to keep on the watch. That's kind of exciting.

I can't wait to go on a mission.

I'm doing really well in English right now, and that means a buttload to me because I love that teacher and I absolutely love writing. English III AP is not an easy class, in fact it's my second hardest (Pre cal being the first...) but I actually enjoy it. My teacher in that class is a phenomenal woman too. 

I want to learn guitar.

And that's pretty much all that has been going down. Remember who you are,


Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today was an incredible day. Some things happened that just filled me to the absolute brim with happiness and made me recognize really how blessed I am. I honestly have so, so much to be grateful for, and I'm so pleased that I've gotten to the point where even when things suck, I still know why I should be happy. I have many reasons to be content with my life... including so, so many people that enhance my life to the fullest. 

Tonight I got down on my knees and prayed for longer than I've prayed in a really long time. I know who I am, I know who I want to be, and I know exactly how I'm getting there.

Life is too short to be anything but happy, and I'm so glad I know that.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Today is a special Monday. But only because I made it special. I decided to start fresh this week on a lot of different levels. So therefore, it is special.

One thing I thoroughly enjoyed today is after school I went to my room, changed, got under my covers and about 3 comforters and listened to music for about an hour before I actually started anything. It felt SO good, let me tell ya. There isn't anything I love more than my bed, for sure.

This weekend should be great :) Yes, it is Monday and I'm already thinking about it. One day at a time, I know. But I cannnoooottttttttttttt waiiiiiiiiitttttttt:)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


This weekend rocked. Download:

Friday Sarah and I went to a concert downtown at the House of Blues, and we saw Ladylike, Gold Motel, Steel Train, and Fun. IT. WAS. FREAKING. AWESOME. We had a blast and I liked every single band that played so I was a happy camper. Fun. was so good, and I absolutely loved singing along. It was a great day.

Saturday was a 'get stuff done' day so I... got stuff done. I got a hair cut (8cm!), went shopping with Siri, then went to Brynn's dance show at Kinkaid with Sarah & Siri and got to see some of my Kinkaid peeps. The dance show was phenomenal and I had quite a fabulous time :)

Now it's Sunday. I love my life. Life is good, God is good, and I am happy.

Remember who you are,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

There's not much left that I need.

Homecoming this weekend couldn't have been more perfect, and it was even better than I expected. I had an awesome date, and our group had a toooonnnnn of fun. Not to mention, the rest of the weekend was really great too :)

Okay so I know everyone is getting bored with all the happy fluffy mushy stuff I'm saying but hey this is my blog and I can say what I want! Haha oh dear.

I AM SO HAPPY. So so so so happy. Today in my journal I took up an entire page saying "I'm so happy." over and over and over again... I was like what the heck, am I seriously going crazy? But I guess this is a good kind of crazy, right? Well, I don't know. I'm stressed but still incredibly happy so I think it's good.

I mean, I have so many things to be grateful for. SO many things. And not to mention so many people in my life are absolutely incredibly phenomenal all over the world. You guys... I am so freaking lucky.

I know the best people on the Earth, seriously. Cream of the crop right here.

Oh I might be going to fun.'s concert Friday night. WOOOH.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Well, do I have a story for you. Sarah, Julia and I were dress shopping, and as they were helping me put something on hold, one of the workers told us that if we had a bra fitting it would automatically donate 2 dollars to a breast cancer fund. So, of course we did it.

It was quite the uhh... urmm... ehhh... experience.

We all did it in one changing room together and the lady that was helping us was most definitely a character, let's just say that. I told her that her ring was pretty, and she told us she had been divorced for 20 years but she wasn't just going to let the ring sit in her drawer by itself. Then once we had all been fitted, she kept on being crazy and suggesting we buy certain things.

We all laughed so, so hard. SO HARD.

Never will I ever go back there.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homecoming. Saturday. Am I excited?

I can't even begin to tell you how much.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Well, as I'm typing, life is pretty dang good. I love it. So many things are going my way, and I think it's an appropriate time to just say I AM SO GRATEFUL. For everything, everyone, and every aspect of my life. Yes, I do complain about stupid things like not being able to find a homecoming dress or how much I hate Pre-Calculus, but I absolutely positively love life. Love love love love love it and a lot of people in it. :)

Life is ridiculously good.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars...

Well, one of the best concerts of my life was Tuesday night. Holy. COW. Because I work for a modeling agency and I scout at different events, I got free tickets to B.O.B./Far East Movement (Plus Baby Bash and some other people). It. was. INCREDIBLE. So I was trying to get through the crowd, and security thought I was a photographer so they pulled me to the front in the very center. I almost died and went to heaven, for real. AHHHHH! I was yelling and screaming my head off. And the picture above are a couple ones that I took. Looove myyy lifeeee.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

D'habitude, il fait plus beau. C'est magnifique.

Yeah... that's where I used to live. I know, it's gorgeous.

I haven't been blogging it up that much just because I write in my journal every day, then there's 2T2C ( and flickr ( Too much to update, silly technology.

Anyhoozle, I can't wait for TREK. I got so excited today for it, and it's all the way in March. But dude, it is going to be the most intense experience of my life. People that have told me about it say that it was the hardest thing they've ever done but it was the best experience they've ever had. And that says a lot right there. But I think it'll be absolutely positively amazing.

Gosh you guys, I want to move to Singapore so badly! Or China. Or both. That works too.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Skip to the ending.

I love this dress. Obviously it is more of a prom dress as opposed to homecoming but WOAH. Laaaaav it!

Okay. I hate to be a debbie downer but DUDE I gotta vent. Homecoming is absolutely positively stupid. I cannot stand it right now. I am on date fail #4 and I feel like the most pathetic person on the whole, entire planet. I mean it's not like it's my fault that they can't make it but it just makes me sad because all of the ones I've had dates with so far would be fun, it just never worked out. I've just been stressing so much over getting my friends dates and it's just kind of hard, you know?

Anyhooter, I love skyping with people. In the past like 15 hours I've skyped with 4 of my really really close friends and it made me feel like I was with them, just like old times. It was super fun, and I'm so grateful for technology because it makes everything so much more convenient. Wahey!

OH SNAP GUYS. I want to learn to play the guitar so dang bad. Fo' real. I need to stop saying 'fo' real'. Seriously though, its become a legit part of my vocabulary and that freaks me out. HEY- I went shopping for homecoming dresses yesterday. I think I found the one. I'll put a picture up if I actually get it! :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

forever is a long time, but i wouldn't mind spending it by your side.

I love He is we.

I love love love love love love love love love He is we.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"I have a gum."

I honestly have my knickers in a twist. I am so confused. I have no idea of what I want to be, but then I have every idea of what I want to be. I don't know... there are just too many choices. I'm just confused with life in general.

I want to go into one of these fields:
-international relations
-international business.

But I have absolutely positively no idea which one. I need some help here.

The photoshoot with my friends was AMAZING. It ended up being just Siri, Sarah and I which was probably better because it would have never ended if everyone else came, haha. Wowza I was tired after.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Photoshoot tomorrow with Siri, Sarah, Brynn, and Julia. Am I excited? Heck yes.

Go Nikon.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Perfection: perception of what we find to be incredible, of the all knowing, standing out amongst all. Its who, or what we find to be amazing. And yeah you are.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

There is sunshine in my soul today.

In da kitchen making a sammich.
I babysat these 4 kids that were probably the most hilarious kids I've ever, ever babysat before in my life. Here are just a few funny things I heard:

"There was a cricket but I didn't wanna pick it up and eat it so I didn't."
"Lauren...Sometimes my underwear gets stuck in my butt."
Everytime one of the boys wanted to say something, he'd say "And guess what?"
"Lauren I wanna talk to you now."
"If you don't exercise you'll get fat and die."

I was honestly laughing my head of the whole time. It was just great.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." - Muhammad Ali

Here's a crazy picture for ya.

Wrote a post for Two Teens Two Continents today. I think I might use the same idea for my personal narrative?

Funny thought: today my friend told me he forgot to put on underwear and didn't notice until 4th period. Seriously though, I kid you not.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



You guys... I need a punching bag, honestly. I really do. I need to get my frustration out somewhere or else I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a very stressful and horrible person. School is pushing me over the dang edge. Luckily I'm going Saturday (at like 6 in the morning) to play soccer with some guys and maybe that can be my chance to push people and shove and be aggressive and crazy. Wow... I'm starting to freak myself out.

Holy cow. I wish I was in Austin.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Freaking Math. I hate it. I got a 92% on the last test (one of 3 who got higher than 90 because she's such a dang harsh grader), but the upcoming one on Thursday is going to kick my booty. If you're good at pre-calculus, let me know, and I shall bake you some cookies or something.

Today at lunch it was like Sarah, Keaton, Travis, Lydon, Julia, Ben and me, and I almost died. Keaton is SO FREAKING HILARIOUS. I was laughing my head off and I was like "Keaton, I'm going to pee my pants" and he goes "I already did." He is so insane, I swear he has diarrhea of the mouth and doesn't filter anything. He just says whatever comes to his mind and it's like alllllll the time. I love it. Not to mention his ridiculously amazing noises. You would think he'd be some cocky pretty boy, but he's just crazy. LOVE IT.

Favourite music right now:
The Maine
Flying Lotus
Sophie & Tessa Barton
Regina Spektor

Okay gonna go write a 1,000 word essay. JOY

Monday, September 27, 2010

Clueless Person of the Day Award.

Hang onto your butts people. This is a hilarious story.

I don't know if any of you heard about this, but I thought it was priceless. In Oregon, there is a man named Ryan Homsely who just recently was found out to be the 'Where's Waldo Bank Robber'. Now this bank robber wasn't just any old bank robber... he was a stupid one.

He began to post some of his successes on facebook, changed his statuses involving bank robbing, and uploaded a profile picture of the Where's Waldo bandit. One of his statuses even said that he 'was now a bank robber.' I love how he just outs himself on Facebook. Like seriously? I could rob a bank better than you.

When I heard this story I logged onto facebook, searched 'Ryan Homsely' and found his profile. To my excitement it was an open profile and I could see his wall. It's absolutely hilarious, look at it if you have facebook. Do you want to know what I did next?

I added him.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm a lucky one.

This is Spencer. He is one of my best friends in the whole entire world. I love him more than you could ever comprehend, and he's pretty much my brother. I used to say little brother then I realized he's taller than me... crap. But that's besides the point. He is abso-freaking-lutely one of the coolest kids you'll ever meet. I miss him. You see, he lived in Switzerland the same time as me. It was pretty much the best two years ever. We laughed so freaking hard all the time, and it was so sad when I found out I was moving because I knew I was going to miss him a TON. But then I realized that when you have a friend like him, you don't ever not see them again. You'll find a way. And boy howdy, I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to see him next. What an amazing kid.

That's my post for the day:)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Aw chika aw

I miss these times. That's me in the middle.

Today we went to an AFS thing (AFS is the program Siri is with) and I got to meet a TON of foreign exchange students. I love them all. Seriously, I had the absolute best time with some of them. I'm going to have a movie night with just foreign exchange students soon and it'll rock. It was amazing how we just clicked, like we'd been best friends since ever. And there were two from Switzerland. I almost cried just talking to them... Not really, but really.

Well last night was a fail, so I'm going to try and laugh it off and not worry. Except one problem: I'm a chick and that's like impossible. But hey, I had a learning experience. Whatevah haole, I'm just a lolohead and last night all I could think was 'hana okolele'. BAH.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I have a plan. I prayed and prayed and this was my answer. This plan is going to make me a really happy person, I already know. Plan help change the world will be in operation soon.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brent Weaver has Ewing's Sarcoma, has been battling since 2008, and is now doing more chemo to keep fighting. If you could attend this or donate to support him would mean the absolute world to me. I will be there, so if you need a ride or something call me.

Please, please please do what you can. Don't forget to keep him in your prayers.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

V is for VICTORY.

So. This weekend could have just been the best weekend it could have ever been. It. was. so. much. fun.

Friday night was fun, when downtown with a friend. Then Saturday morning the stake YW had a volleyball tournament, which we WON. We absolutely rocked the house, and it was a lot more stressful than I thought it was going to be. Haha, Mormons are so competitive.

Then we went to lunch, went home, and got ready for the dance. Kate, Brynn, Siri, my mom and I drove to Richmond but it took us forEV-AH because the dang GPS took us to freaking Cinco Ranch. We were like what the? But we eventually got there and it ended up being the funnest dance ever. Oh my heavens, it was AMAZING.

Not to mention church today was especially amazing... I love missionaries. As well as that, I don't have as much homework as I thought so I think I'll be able to go to bed before 1 tonight! DANG RIGHT!

I love my life.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

I don't believe that old cliche that 'good things come to those who wait'. i think good things come to those who want something so bad they can't sit

I uploaded a different version of this onto flickr... I don't know why because I like this version better! Haha.

You guys. I am so tired. Would you like to know what I'm supposed to be doing right now? Writing an essay about how women are 'marked' and will never be 'unmarked.' Whatever that means... HI actually really like this topic, I just don't feel like writing right now. It's going to be a lonnnggg night but hey- it's all good. Tomorrow is Friday. Fridays are great.

Anyhoozle, you know that awkward moment when you're trying to get past someone but you both keep going the same way? That happened to me three times today. THREE. I was like holy cow, I am so sorry. I don't know how to work my legs.

YOU GUYS. I am slacking so hard on reading the B.o.M. This is not okay with me. We're in D&C this year and I haven't had time to do my reading. I need to make time, this is getting ridiculous. I should order D&C in French eh? I have the B.o.M. in French but no D&C.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

If I had all the time in the world, do you want to know what I'd do with it?

I would dance so hard, every day for hours. Street, urban, hip hop-none of that ballet stuff, I would suck at it. But I would work so ridiculously hard on that and I know I would love every sweating second of it. I would travel the world, and I know that's something that gives me more happiness that most things. I can't even explain it... but I love it more than words. I would have photo shoots every day. This summer I got a glimpse of that when I had several shoots every week. It really is one of the funnest things, trying to capture a person in a picture. I would dedicate time to serving friends, family, strangers. I know I would learn so much from that, because every time I do it makes me feel like I know myself better and better, uncovering who I am. It's a cool thing. I would sing. Sing my heart out, learn a great song and sing it in front of a great audience. I would better myself by learning as much as I can. I love learning about new things and I think it would be so amazing to be able to pick and choose things that interest me and broaden my horizons by learning about them, languages included. Knowledge is something no one can take away from you. If only I had time like that.

But that's just me. What would you do if you had all the time in the world?

Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm a lyrical gangster.

Picture: nerd day. I put the camera on self timer and then when I went to go retrieve it I tripped. On nothing.
You guys. I am so happy today. SO HAPPY! Last night was probably one of the crappiest nights of junior year, but then everything turned around at midnight. It was a happy, happy time. And today was absolutely amazing for no apparent reason at all. Well, maybe a couple of things did factor into it... yes they did.

You know what song I like right now? Massage Situation by Flying Lotus. Mhmmm freak yeah. I get to thank Jolly for that one, what a stud. Every time I think of him I think 'ho ho ho' and I don't know why.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

So I was looking through old photos and I found this one. That's the 'rents with a cute little Indian family that converted and was in our ward. They were amazing and their dad was the sweetest man you've ever met. I miss them.
You know what is super cool? The world is a very small place. It's even smaller when you're Mormon. And it's even SMALLER when you're an expat. It's just craziness all around.

Yesterday I was driving Brynn home from my house and we were blasting Like a G6 (making up our own lyrics... best thing ever) and it might just win the award for funniest driving moment of my life. I love her and I almost hit the curb. Here is a quote from her that captures her essence perfectly: "If you don't ask him you'll end up like me! And now I spend all my time learning about terrorism!"

I'm stressing about homecoming... Like legitimately stressing. I am so stupid sometimes you guys, it's ridiculous. Hah oh deary me what am I going to do with myself? I don't know. I just don't know. Oh one more thing... you know what absolutely tanks? When you spend a LONG time stressfully doing something for someone and they don't even acknowledge or see what you did. Not like I'm asking for a thanks, but they didn't even get what you were doing for them, and it was something really important to you. And in the end you're like "Great. I fail at life and you didn't even get to see what I worked on for you." argh, sorry I just complained. Sorry sorry sorry.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Something I wrote once that I found interesting.

I'm not exactly the fragile kind of girl. I'm not the kind of girl who is sensitive when you argue with her, and I'm not the kind of girl who tries to make you feel bad for her by telling you all her misfortunes and making you feel sorry for her. I'm the kind of girl who swallows her tears as easily as she swallows her pride. I'm the kind of girl who loves good walks and conversation. I'm the kind of girl that could never be a wallflower. I'm the kind of girl who likes golden hours and girl talk, but will get down and dirty as soon as she can. I'm the kind of girl who writes out absolutely everything. I'm the kind of girl who makes a million and one mistakes but loves it. I'm the kind of girl who was born to make something- maybe not perfection, but excellence is good enough for me. I'm the kind of girl who hates math, but loves the fact that one plus one equals two. I'm the kind of girl who wishes she was a lot more than she is. I'm the kind of girl who will embarrass herself because she's clumsier than all get out. I'm the kind of girl who will open up to most anyone she meets because she loves a good story. I'm the kind of girl who worries about really stupid things. I'm the kind of girl who will look problems in the eye and say "Bring it" but I'm also the kind of girl who won't be afraid to shed a tear in front of those she loves because that's what life is about. I'm the kind of girl who cries when she's happy, more than when she's sad. I'm the kind of girl who has endless amounts of dreams and goals and is constantly trying to find out how to make them happen. I'm the kind of girl who wishes the girly side of her wasn't just a school act and the guys' basketball shirts and shorts wasn't really a part of who I am. I'm the kind of girl who's main concern is the happiness of her family as a whole. I'm the kind of girl who doesn't even want to know where she'd be without God. I'm the kind of girl who knows what she wants, and one day, just one day, I'm going to get it.

I'm just that kind of girl.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dude... some guy in a wolf costume with a light saber just said hi to you.

Picture: when we went to Sarah' apartment downtown. SO fun and SO cool. I love downtown.
Tomorrow's pep rally is Nerd Day. I don't know whether I'll dress up or not. I mean, do I even need to dress up?

Anyhoozle, this blog is better because it's combined with my friend Kim, but he hasn't posted in a while so I'm going to scold him soon.

I don't have much time (nor ideas for that matter...) to post so I shall come back later or post tomorrow if my brain starts working again. Wait... I have to write at least one thing substantial. Hmmm. Today in seminary Bro. Harris said something really funny about tye dye and granola and I laughed pretty hard. Oh, and I got a 105 on a french test. Wahey!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Keep Austin Weird.

So I never got to report back on my trip to Austin! It was amazing. The fam and I (I keep on forgetting Siri is my sister...) had SO MUCH FUN. The drive up there was so hilarious, my mom, Siri and I just laughed and sang and partied the whole way there. One of the funnest things was when we went farther out into the country to this small little town and went to a bunch of antique shops and flea markets. Something weird about me... I have this weird obsession with old pictures. Like, super old ones with random people in them. There was this one of a boy (probably 18?) with his graduation hat and robe on, and it was black and white and reeeeeaally old. I was going to buy it but then we had to leave and I was so upset, I wanted it so bad. Even though I had NO idea who this random person was, I just felt special looking at it knowing that this person has a story.

We went to a bunch of cool places, and hit up the UT campus. My dad showed me around and showed me everything he did and places he went and all that jazz. It was really cool- he showed me the scholarship plaque his name used to be under and all this awesome stuff. You know, I just realized how proud of my dad I am. My dad is such a beast, he works hard and loves us so much. Best man I've ever known.

OH YEAH and I got peed on by a bat, can't forget that one. It wasn't funny, but everyone was laughing their heads off. Austin is really cool though, kinda indie, kinda rock, kinda crazy. It's just... weird. Now I get those "Keep Austin Weird" shirts haha! But I had so much fun and Siri and I spent every night talking out butts off. She's so fun, I'm seriously so grateful she's here. I love have 3 sisters.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Boy, smile.

I'm entering a photography (feedback much appreciated, tell me which ones you like! as well as writing contest. I think I might combine the two articles I wrote on Jeff. We shall see what I use for both. I'll keep you posted. And I have the best family and friends that support me. How did I get so lucky? I don't know. But I'm sure grateful.
Today was such a good day. Except it was pouring- which I actually love by the way- so I couldn't go run which I was really quite excited for. But hey- life is good.

For an hour and a half today after school I put up 12ft long banners around school for the football team. By myself. I was so proud that I got them up with just two hands. Can I get a WOOT WOOT. Tomorrow will be busy since I have seminary (wake up at 5:30), then a PB & J Project (for kids in Africa) meeting at 7:15, school, homework, studying, reading, then mutual. Hopefully I won't have some other meeting I don't know about after school.

I'm in a good mood.

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's called RETALIATION!

I took this picture today.

Would you like to hear a totally un-inspiring quote? I love this one, could just be one of my faves.

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.” -Neil Gaiman.

This is such a messed up, bi-polar post. Totally confusing I know- story of my life.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Trying to make life decisions but it's pretty hard when you're still in high school.

So the past 3 weeks have been possibly the most stressful 3 three weeks of my life for multiple reasons. And since I'm on my three day weekend up in Austin, I was like "Yes! Perfect time to relax and not worry!" But being me, I found something to worry about. Always.

It shouldn't even be something to worry about, I mean it's not like I have to make this decision RIGHT NOW or even in the next couple of years... But I've been putting a ton of thought and effort into what I want my life to be like when I grow up. I used to want to be something along the lines of 'queen of corporate america', or maybe someone who runs a buisness overseas. I'm pretty set on the whole living overseas dealio because that's what I've grown up doing and I've loved every second of it. And I know I would do absolutely anything to get that.

Then I realized that buisness might not be my thing. I just don't know how interested I'll be in it. I never seriously considered photography as an option, and mostly because my parents are always like "It's a good hobbie." Hobbie. Not job. Hobbie. Interest, activity, not something you do to sustain yourself. But right now that's where my heart is. That could change (knowing me, all this could change tomorrow), but right now that's what I want. This past summer has been really exciting for me- photorgaphy wise- and it has planted something in my heart. I had so many shoots for people, and whenever I've been asked to do a shoot for someone/someone's kids it just makes me the happiest person ever. I love it, and I love the feeling I get when I can capture someone's personality, or emotion in a picture. Not just people but everything.

I also recieved a message from the graphics department at the church headquarters in SLC asking to use some of my pictures and that made me so, so ecstatic. So I guess I've let my mind wander, and I think it would be the most phenomenal thing ever to be a photographer for the AP (associated press). Photographers don't normally get paid well, but if you're good enough you can be stationed overseas (obviously that's what I'd be aiming for) and that would just make my life. I've also been told if you graduate from Colombia University, jobs for photographers, photojournalism, stuff like that is a breeze to get. Maybe I could go there for graduate school after majoring in photography at BYU... You know what? I don't know.

Again, this all could change in a heartbeat. I tend to play around with many different ideas and this is just one I really like right now. But I had to vent and talk somewhere because I don't think my parents like me thinking about photography as an actual job... infact I'm positive they don't.

However, today I realized I love being in the country. I love small towns. I love when everyone knows each other. I love when you feel like a close knit community. I love when everyone is so friendly. I love southern hospitality. I honestly think I could be happy working at a diner serving pancakes every day in a small town. But then there's the side of me that wants to change the world but doesn't exactly know how to do it.

I just want to do something that will make me happy and I'm trying to find out what that is.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Deep in the weeds.

I hate high school right now. But oddly I'm okay with that. Lately I've realized even if I really don't like what's going on, it's fine. I am so blessed, and what I have to be grateful for outweighs completely what I have to be moody about.

Plus there are no good or bad experiences, just experiences. It all depends on how you look at it.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Most intense few hours of my life. MY LIFE.

I never got to tell you my 'getting my driver's license at the DPS story'. Here it is:

-for those who don't know what the DPS is, it's the place where you go to get your license/permit/blah blah blah. it opens at 8 but people get there at 6 to wait in line for it to open. it is not my favourite place in the world.-

So my dad and I get to the DPS at 6:45 in the morning. We both step out of the car and I'm like 'Dad... do you see that?' There's this guy standing on a ladder-stool thing preaching and yelling his booty off talking about how we're all sinners and whatevah. I got kinda nervous because I was wearing my BYU shirt and I was scared he was going to yell at me or something so I covered it up with my pre-cal textbook... Haha. But anyways, we sit down with our chairs (we were not going to sit on the grass so we came prepared) and this guy is just going at it. Then this British guy starts getting really ticked, and is yelling at the preacher bro, and just freaking out. The preacher bro was reading from the bible, and so the British guy gets up, pulls out a random book from his bag and starts reading it outloud, trying to drown the preacher bro out. For literally 30 minutes they're both yelling, preaching and reading, and it was the craziest thing I have ever seen in my life. In. my. life.

Eventually the 5-0/fuzz/po-po/police came and this guy that was in line next to me was like "I just wanna see you tase him!" and I thought that was funny. Unless he was for real, haha. But it was the craziest thing ever.

Oh yeah, then we finally get inside the building at 8am, and I'm in line. This lady absolutely freaks out at me. Holy freaking cow I thought she was going to start a fight. And I mean it's not like I'm a controversial person who goes looking for fights, but I was like DANG GIRL CHILLAX! Don't hate, appreciate! Not really but I was scared.

Not to brag or anything but I'm pretty sure I could have taken her...

Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm like a bird, I wanna fly away!

I would just like to say, YES. That is my mother.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I got a message from 'The Official Church Call for Photos' again and they've asked for 10 (of the ones they've seen) of my photos to use so far! I'll be filling out the forms and everything this weekend so it'll be a done deal. I'm REALLY quite excited :) Blessing blessings blessings are coming from every direction!

That picture is actually from when we were in Hawaii... old.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jeff Hasara, I love you to the moon and back.

I never officially posted this post on my personal blog (I didn't on Two Teens Two Continents) so here it is.

I love you, Jeff.

To be honest, I don't know how to start out this post. Right now it's kind of hard for me to process things, so I'm hoping this article will help me collect my thoughts or something along those lines. So bear with me if this doesn't make sense to you, this article is more for my benefit than anything.

I have a lot of best friends. And one of them happened to be Jeff Hasara. I met Jeff two years ago, and since then he's changed my life completely. For over a year he's been battling bone cancer, and since then he's had several surgeries and had to have one of his arms amputated. Cancer was not good to him, and he went through things as a sixteen year old that most people don't have to go through in their whole life. To say the least, the last year has been quite difficult. However, even though this past year has been hard for Jeff, I know he has changed so many people's lives for the better. Especially mine.

Jeff has probably been the greatest example I've ever been blessed to have in my life. The way he waded through the trials he was given truly was incredible. He was courageous, in every sense of the word, and that is a trait that is hard to come by. I can't even begin to explain how remarkable he was. He was constantly being friendly and kind to others, and there wasn't an ounce of selfishness in him. He was concerned about other's wellbeing way before himself. Not to mention, going through what he went through really showed how strong he was. He was so optimistic, and he knew that no matter what the outcome he was in God's hands and that God would take care of him. He knew that everything happens for a reason and we are given trials so we can overcome them and become a better person because of it. Jeff was really into surfing and long boarding, and when you lose an arm that kind of thing isn't easy. But Jeff still practiced and went at it like nothing had changed. He kept on living life to the fullest because he knew life isn't something you put on hold when you're having hard times, because life is a gift. Everyday is a gift, and we need to take advantage of it no matter what comes our way.

Out of knowing Jeff I've learned some really important life lessons that will most definitely never be forgotten. I've stopped complaining about things that really don't even matter in the eternal perspective because I know that they actually don't matter. Waiting in line, headaches, traffic, not getting that pair of shoes, humid weather, one bad test grade... those things really won't matter in the end, so why would it matter so much now? I've also learned to live life to the fullest, and even though that phrase is said so much I think it is put so eloquently. We never know how much time is left for us and those we love, so letting our problems get in the way isn't going to help live our lives the very best we can. And most of the time the things we think are 'problems' are just experiences. Life is full of experiences, they're not good or bad. It's just the way you look at it.

From praying and fasting this year for Jeff, I've learned that everything happens for a reason. My faith has grown immensely because I know whatever happens, happens. There is a plan for us, but sometimes we won't understand it until the end. I hope one day I can be like Jeff. Because when someone is that remarkable you want to be like them. He'll never leave my mind and heart and that is something I'll be eternally grateful for because when someone changes your life, you don't ever want them to leave.

And he won't leave me because he's right here with me, always a prayer in my heart. I love you, Jeff.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kind of just a WEENY bit in shock right now. This rocks.

AHHHHH! I just got a message from the 'Official LDS Church Call for Photos' and was asked to share some of my photos for a photo library that will be made available on If so, they'll be available to use for church-related purposes like web pages, blogs, articles, brochures, or magazine articles. Excited to see how this turns out! YOU GUYS I'M SO EXCITED!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Like a G6.

First day of school for my Junior year tomorrow. Am I nervous? Not really. Am I excited? Not really. Am I scared? Not really. I'm kind of indifferent. I just want to get school over with... I don't know. I think Siri and I will have a load of fun and Sarah and Julia will be at Memorial as well so that will be great. But academically... I won't come out of this school year alive. Seriously.

I went to talk to my counselor again and she was like 'Lauren... stop trying to get college over with before you even get there.' Everyone always harps on me for trying to get college credit. And everyone always harps on saying "stop trying to rush through life" but they have me entirely wrong. I just like getting as much as I can done, done. And challenging myself. But holy cow, people are always freaking out at me and it's starting to get old.

So today I had a Youth Committee meeting and we discussed all the upcoming events for this year and I'm SO excited. We have a great group of kids at Youth Committee and we're all really enthusiastic and pumped about it so I think it'll rock. EXCITED TO THE MAX BABY.

The Tri-stake dance last night was AMAZING. Favourite dance ever. It was Siri's first and she absolutely loved it. I got up on stage and introduced her (fail at trying to work the mic, the DJ had to help me...) and after that all the guys were flocking to her. Flocking, I tell you. It rocked. That was the most fun I had in a really long time. Does this look yummy or what? I uploaded a lot this week. I guess I'm trying to make up for the rest of the school year when I'm going to hardly have time to upload/post/update. But I'm a good time manager so I think I'll fit some fun stuff in. :)

Well, WISH ME LUCK! Love you all to the moon and back. Remember who you are.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

I love you, Jeff.

New post on Two Teens Two Continents dedicated to one of my best friends Jeff who passed away due to cancer. That's my post for the day.

Monday, August 16, 2010

C'est la vie. That's life and that's how it's gonna be. Ohhh yeah.


My last Monday not in school, darn. This morning we went to register Siri for school, and we're sitting there waiting and she says 'I swear that guy just spoke Norwegian, but maybe I'm hallucinating..." My mom casually walks over to the guy and his dad, and pretends she's looking at something but instead she's really scoping them out (haha, she's seriously a beast at it) and then asks them where they're from and they say "Oslo, Norway" and she's like "AHHH I have someone for you to meet!" So Siri and I met some little freshman who is Norwegian, it was cool. Poor thing, he seems really nervous and shy. Every time I see him in the halls I'm going to yell 'HEY WHAT'S UP!' in Norwegian (Siri is teaching me!) so he'll feel loved. Haha, I love freshman. So cute.

We just finished playing scum for family home evening and I was prez twice and vice prez once. Yes, one of the times I went out as president with my highest card a 12, no fourteens. ROCK ON BABY, just call me a rockstar.

I hit 10,500 picture views on flickr today!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Shop 'till you drop" means so much more to me now.

Picture caption: one of the pictures from the shoot today with Siri :) some of them here:

HOLY COW. Never have I ever shopped so much. So yesterday we woke up, got ready, went grocery shopping, ate lunch, then drove the the mall. Then the real craziness began.

So we get to the mall, and start with shoes. Siri bought 3 pairs of rockin' shoes. Then I bought 2 pairs of shoes (both which I didn't need HAHA) that I loved. I honestly can't even begin to count how many stores we went to after that. By the end of the 5 hours we both had at least 20 kilos on both arms. No kidding. Okay well maybe not that much but it was dang heavy and we were SO tired and hungry it was ridiculous. But it was the funnest thing ever, nonetheless. I love having her here, she's like me in the sense that she just likes to have fun. I like to have fun, and not the weird kind of fun. Just normal, fun kind of fun. And we're already super close, so I'm really quite grateful. It's already a blessing, I mean it's like having a built-in best friend at home. I love her!

Today she went to church with us and it was really different for her. She liked it and she has a lot of questions now! Haha, I'm sure she has quite a lot. But she got to meet a lot of people which was fun. Anyways, we're having a bunch of people over for dinner so I should probably go help.

Lots of lovin',

Friday, August 13, 2010

Operation family of 6 is now a GO.

The new addition to our family has arrived! I absolutely LOVE HER. LOVE LOVE LOVE HER. She is awesome. Her name is Siri and even though she hasn't even been here a full day yet, I'm totally freaking out because she ROCKS. But really, this is going to be so great. I'm so excited for all of the experiences to come. This. year. will. be. PHENOMENAL.

So we were at the store today and we put clothing articles on our head. It was quite the experience... To be honest, I'm surprised Siri hasn't tried to run away yet. I mean, out family can get pretty wild. Haha, oh dear, I hope she's not just acting like she likes us and insides she's like 'GET ME OUTTA HERE, THEY'RE CRAZY.'

Oh yeah, and we were looking at cameras for Siri, and so I thought 'oh, I'll just take the opportunity to talk to the camera guy about lenses/camera bases and blah blah blah' so I did. And this other guy comes up and he just joins into our conversation about it, and he's actually a photographer who takes portraits for lawyers, and takes commercial shots for buildings and he has the same camera I have! So we totally bonded and started talking about different lenses and what I should get and he was so helpful. We were like two peas in a pod, I just wanted to give him a hug. He kind of looked just like the guy in avatar/bones. But seriously, I was like I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW, LET'S BE BEST FRIENDS. He rocked.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

Picture: Utah (you can tell by the mountains, Texas doesn't have mountains... *sob*). And no I totally did not take that picture while driving....?

It's raining today, and I absolutely love it! I love it when it just pours here. Except when I'm out running or something and I'm like "great, this just bumped up the chances of me turfing it times like a billion." What especially rocks is when you're having a movie night with a bunch of friends over and it's pouring. Now that rocks.

My room actually looks like someone lives in it now! I mean we've been here for a year so let's hope it looks like it... Wow, one whole year in Texas. I don't know how I did it. It's weird, I still don't feel like I live here, I feel like I still live in Switzerland, or I should be moving again. This whole moving all the time thing has messed up my brain, I swear.

HOLY FRIGGIN COW. WE'RE ABOUT TO GO PICK UP SIRI. Have I ever been this nervous? No. There are now 6 people in my family. How weird is this...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blame it on the weather, but I'm a mess.

This school year I'm hoping to be a volunteer at Memorial Hermann. After the 15 hours you do where they help you get familiar with the hospital, you can choose where you want to do your volunteering, if I understood that correct. I'm hoping to get into the cancer center, that's where my heart is. I'm so excited I can hardly contain it!

The Doobie Brothers are having a concert in SLC that I won't be there for... really long sigh. That would have rocked the house big time.

Siri gets here tomorrow. Am I scared out of my pants? YES. YES YES YES YES YES. YES I AM HOLY COW.

Julia is on holiday and I miss her like... like someone who misses someone a lot or something. Picture is of me and her. She's transferring to Memorial from Kinkaid this school year and we are going to have more fun that anyone has ever had. Freak yeah. Even though I'm taking all higher level classes and it will be the death of me.... darn.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I don't feel like writing a lot about today so here are some words that describe it:

one whole watermelon
new beige rug
driving like a mad woman
chiddy bang
shortage of models
cosby kids
clean and organized
badge of courage
siri= 2 DAYS
fresh ideas
alex bullon
feeling like you're new... again.
watching mission calls on youtube
walking with mom
humidity to the max

Monday, August 9, 2010

Back in Texas...

Picture caption: I took this one in Utah. I like it. Sadly, Texas is ugly (in comparison) so I won't be having too many shots like this here...

It is Monday. I like Mondays, but only in the summer. I'm teaching FHE tonight and never have I ever been so prepared. It's going to rock the house!

SIRI. OUR NORWEGIAN FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT. HOLY COW. She'll be here on THURSDAY. Okay so I'm not gonna lie... I'm scared out of my pants. What if she's crazy?! What if she's weird? Those Europeans can get a little wild, I would know. Haha joking (not really) but I'm just really quite nervous. Maybe she's not the one I should worry about being crazy... maybe I should worry about our family being crazy. That's more of a legitimate thought. I mean seriously, we are quite unique. Wanna hear something funny? My mom texts me while I'm at EFY and this is what it said I saw today that someone had posted something on Siri's wall about Mormons. It was a southpark link. Her friends probably think she is going to live with polygamists. She must be scared;) HAHAHA.

What I'm listening to: Remady ft. Manu L- Give me a Sign.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Alright, alright, alright alright alright HEY.

Company name: The Greater Light.
EFY rocked. At first I wasn't so hot on my company, but they got cooler as time went on, haha. I got to see Spence, Johnny, and Soren too which was SO exciting. Swiss reunion! Not to mention Gavin came to visit too. It. was. fabulous. The theme was Courage to stand strong and the scripture was "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Joshua 1:9. It couldn't have been a better theme.

So I learned a lot this past week. I took a buttload of notes, and I've all of them right here with me so I'll share some with you:
- adversity is when God is rubbing off our rough edges and sensitizing us for our great responsibilities ahead.
- why do bad things happen to good people? maybe because God loves us so much more than He loves our happiness (think about it)
- come what may and love it
- don't set the Lord's watch because he doesn't wear one.
- no one can dictate who you are
- keep your standards high, even when you're standing alone.
- 'faites-vous un festin des paroles du Christ' (feast upon the words of Christ)
- kisses aren't like apricots.
- our choices impact today, tomorrow and forever.
- always put God first. always.
- Familes: for ever. for always. no matter what.
- it's not the
or the
it's the
At-one-ment. Atonement. One. Jesus was the one.

When the guys and the girls split for classes, Bro. Bettinger took some notes some of the guys had given him and put them up on the screen. They had to do with modesty and respecting your body, and one note from a guy in the session said this:
'Why do girls compromise when they are queens?'
And holy cow, I think every girl in there had a tear in her eye. I don't think girls these days realize the guys you want to attract don't like girls who flaunt and disrespect their bodies. But we kept hearing comments like this (I wrote them down) I wish the girls understood how hard we boys work at keeping our thoughts clean. But there are times that girls make the choice to wear things that make it harder for me to honor that. It takes courage for a girl to be modest, and it's not just helping themselves, but us. Just wow. And if a guy doesn't think like that, then he's not the kind of guy you want to waste time on anyways. Guys like that rock.

But anyways, it was an incredible week. I learned so, so much. Not to mention so many phenomenal teachers who you know care about you individually. Bro. Scott was such a huge help to me, I waited after class one day to talk to him about something that was bothering me, and even though I couldn't hold myself together, he just seemed like I was the only thing that mattered right then. I could tell he genuinely wanted to talk and help as much as he could. If only he knew how much that meant to me.