Monday, May 24, 2010


I love Jeff so, so much. He has made such a large impact on my way of life that it's not something that I'll just recognize and move on, but something that I think about every day and will continue to think about every day. I still remember the first time we met. I remember him teaching me how to swing dance, and how good at it he was! I remember him being one of the few guys I knew that could carry a substantial conversation with ease and make me smile without even trying.

I remember when the next summer at EFY when I met Ryan who was in place for Jeff because it was a few months after Jeff had found out about his bone cancer and couldn't make it because of treatment. "Hey! I'm Lauren one of Jeff's friends, we're pretty close."

"I know. You're the swiss girl!"

The way Jeff has handled everything blows my mind. From talking to him the whole way I've learned more from him than I have from anyone in such a short time slot. . He has gone through more than a lot of people have to go through in the their whole lives, as a 16 year old.

I've learned so much from Jeff. I have seen a change in myself already in the sense that I've recognized the petty, stupid little things in life don't matter. We shouldn't take time to worry about things that aren't our top priorities in life. You never know what life is going to throw at you, and you never know how long you have at any given point in time. I've learned to take advantage of the people, places and experiences we have because that's what makes our life meaningful.

Jeff's unconditional love for everyone makes me want to be a better person. I remember watching him ask girls to dance who no one had asked and were left by themselves. Not just once but multiple times. Everyone is fighting a hard battle, so I've learned from him to take the chances to make everyone's battle-no matter what it may be- a little easier.

Probably one of the greatest things was when him and Ryan unexpectedly came to my surprise party. He came straight from an MRI scan having to leave super early the next day. Can you ask for a better friend?

When I found out about the situation, I remember my friends that didn't know Jeff (all around the world from Japan to Switzerland to South Africa) were praying for him. When he had his surgery to amputate his arm, my whole family and I were fasting, and I even had close friends who fasted with me. There we so, so many people all across the earth doing whatever they could for Jeff. Faith precedes the miracle, and already we've seen so many miracles.

He'll never understand how much I love him and what he does for me every day. He'll never understand how many people he's impacted and the lives he's changed forever. He is such a great example to me, and I will be eternally grateful for that. His love and faith gives me hope.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Idiopathic craniofacial erythema, say whaaat?

Oh hey guess what I'm a Memorial Mustang. Okay so last night whilst I was watching a movie, I made a list of all of the things I should blog about.

1. North Korea: I am so scared for those poor, poor people. I was watching a documentary on it and they filmed this girl singing a nursery song about killing the Americans. Sad? I think yes. But those poor people live in such bad conditions and no one cares.

3. FRESCO'S: After the dinner with the fambam we went for ice cream. It was raining like crazy so bubby got out of the car and was running in the rain, so I ran after her to grab her hand so she wouldn't slip. THEN TURFED IT ON THE CEMENT IN THE RAIN. Freak, it hurt. So I decided to get back in the car, drenched, my pride out the window. Haha oh good times... good times...

7. Blushing: I have this problem with blushing whenever I'm embarrassed or flattered and its really getting out of hand. Honestly, like its the most ridiculously embarrassing thing ever because I can't control it and its easy to know my feelings about stuff because I'll just BLUSH IT ALL OUT. I think this is what I have. Except I don't have any sort of social phobia...

'A medical condition known as Idiopathic craniofacial erythema exists, in which the sufferer blushes strongly with little or no provocation. This is related to social phobia.'

9. Texas weather is crazy! That is all.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cars cars cars I want a grancabrio.

So today when I saw a new duPont Registry sitting on the bar I got all excited so I took it up stairs and sat on my bed for like half an hour in admiration of the cover alone. Favourite: Maserati Grancabrio. Mmmm. (for those who aren't familiar, the duPont Registry is a car magazine)

Wish I was: playing basketball with the french guys in Eysins en suisse. I'm not gonna lie, it was one of my funniest memories. The problem with playing with guys is sometimes they take it easy on you because you're a chick. Like really? I'm tough. I'm not gonna break in half, hon.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today was crazy hectic. I need to organize myself so I'm going to number it:

Funny thing I did today: I auditioned for MADE. It was definitely fun and I was the very last one. Yay. He said 'best for last'. But the whole auditioning thing was kind of a joke so I know I'm not going to get chosen... sorry. Haha..
So one of my best friends got her haircut fairly short and I'm absolutely in love with it but I don't think I could ever pull it off.

I'm listening to: Ben Folds


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

But nobody heard, and the world turned, and the world turned...

I'm sorry but my creative juices aren't flowing today.

NIGAHIGA?! Do you watch his videos on youtube? He is so, so funny. I was watching one of his videos today and I think he's quite a looker, PLUS he's HAWAIIAN. Which is another one of my obsessions... um what who said that? Haha jokes jokes... kinda.

I'm sick and I sound REALLY quite hilarious. I almost want to take advantage of this funny-ness and record a video to watch later on and laugh at myself.

So the 'rents are out of town and we have some family friends staying with us. They're a couple with a little girl and they're SO great. And today as we were doing the dishes after dinner, Mike and I were talking about traveling and moving and things like that. I realized something I've thought about before really does apply to me- if my future hubby wants to stay in one spot the rest of his life, things might just not work out so hot. From constantly moving to different states and/or countries, I've developed a sort of craving/passion with familiarizing myself with different countries, people, and cultures. I just... love it, and I can't really explain it but hey. Its one of those things that is just flat out fun for me. I want to live in Asia one day, as well as Africa, and the list of places I want to visit goes on forever... All I can do now is wait I guess.

I already miss my parents and its only been 15 hours. Not even a day. I also decided today that pre-cal is going to kick my butt.

I'm listening to: The Gabe Dixon Band.

Right now I wish I was: in Switzerland. Or wake boarding. Better yet wake boarding IN Switz on Lake Geneva. BAYUM.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hope was here.

OH HEY GUESS WHAT LADIES? I found another cutie to add onto my list of... cuties. Haha. So I was watching a Jazz game and I realized # 26, Kyle Korver, is a total beast. For some reason I've always had a thing for tall basketball players. Oh and David Archuleta, and guys who can sing and play guitar. But Kyle Korver is such a stud.

One of my newest obsessions: flickr. I'm not good but I'll be working on it (especially this summer). I'm think about getting the pro account, it looks cool. So funnnnn!

Wanna hear something scandalous? I was going through my closet and I found 3 pirated DVDs from our trip to Thailand. I hope no one turns me in, I've not even close to finishing my 'Things to do before I die' list. Oh and when I was walking in, I tripped on the carpet. Luckily I had pillows and blankets all over the ground to break my fall. Yep, its my new hangout spot. I'll post a picture of it later.

Theres nothing I love more than long talks (and walks) with the parents after a long, crappy day at school. It's like getting a gourmet meal after eating junk food for a long time. The feeling just sweeps through your sensibilites, bring all-out contentment, and the sheer goodness of it makes up for every bad meal you've ever had. I wish I had more time at home.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Oh Snap

I totally forgot to post yesterday. Ma b.

Okay so yesterday was a great day. Then later that evening I ended up going to see The Last Song with someone and it was pretty good. Aside from that one scene of Miley squealing like a pig (it was supposed to be laughing), it was bearable. Hahah just kidding that's mean (but true...) It was super cute though, and I bawled like a baby at the end.

Speaking of which, Ralph Lauren's Summer Romance smells SO, so good. Wait that had nothing to do with it.... I'm going crazy.

I'm reading a book called Power to the People by Laura Ingraham and its pretty good. Can you say po-li-ti-cal? I didn't think I was that type either, but I like it.