Saturday, October 16, 2010

Skip to the ending.

I love this dress. Obviously it is more of a prom dress as opposed to homecoming but WOAH. Laaaaav it!

Okay. I hate to be a debbie downer but DUDE I gotta vent. Homecoming is absolutely positively stupid. I cannot stand it right now. I am on date fail #4 and I feel like the most pathetic person on the whole, entire planet. I mean it's not like it's my fault that they can't make it but it just makes me sad because all of the ones I've had dates with so far would be fun, it just never worked out. I've just been stressing so much over getting my friends dates and it's just kind of hard, you know?

Anyhooter, I love skyping with people. In the past like 15 hours I've skyped with 4 of my really really close friends and it made me feel like I was with them, just like old times. It was super fun, and I'm so grateful for technology because it makes everything so much more convenient. Wahey!

OH SNAP GUYS. I want to learn to play the guitar so dang bad. Fo' real. I need to stop saying 'fo' real'. Seriously though, its become a legit part of my vocabulary and that freaks me out. HEY- I went shopping for homecoming dresses yesterday. I think I found the one. I'll put a picture up if I actually get it! :)

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