Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hey, hey hey hey.

This is Siri, me and Sarah at a party over the weekend. I love these girls.

This is me and Jeff's parents, Mark & Valerie.
Well, I am blessed. That's for sure.

Okay I know I've been sucking at blogging lately. I love doing it when I'm actually doing it, but when I'm not I'm like "Mehhhhh I have more important things to do and blah blah blah I should just delete my whole blog." But I think maybe I'll try harder.

So this is where I am right now: sitting at the table by the kitchen, waiting for 9 other people to get ready because I thought we were leaving at 9 for San Antonio so I woke up at 7 45, but no one is ready. Perfect time to blog!

We have some friends from Switzerland here visiting with us, and they are a BLAST. Seriously, I absolutely adore them. Yesterday we went to NASA with them and today we're driving to San Antonio. I'm excited. Oh yes and yesterday I got to drive around 5 crazy little girls and party hard and dance and sing.

My stomach hurts and I don't know why. AHHHHHHH. It's raining outside and we have to drive in this weather. I took the SAT December 4th and it went better than expected. I got a guitar for Christmas. My room is cold. I don't want school to start on Tuesday.

Jeff's parents came to visit. I love them.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas guys :)

This is my 101st post. Cool beans guys, cool beans.

Well finals are this week. I have no time whatsoever. Right now in my life, I am between a rock and a hard place in a lot of different aspects. But hey! I don't mind that much, it's all good. I'll figure it out over time I think...

I really don't have time right now but once this week is over I'll blog a lot more and update in full depth!

Love always,


Thursday, December 9, 2010


Okay dude. I have not been blogging at all lately, I am SO SORRY. Life is just too much right now and I have no life whatsoever. Kim has been getting on my case too because I haven't been blogging on either.

School is INSANE. I have so much stinkin' stuff to do all the time and I'm sleep deprived. Can I give you a more in depth update later? I have to go study my butt off for Pre Calculus.

Remember who you are and what you stand for-
