Monday, September 27, 2010

Clueless Person of the Day Award.

Hang onto your butts people. This is a hilarious story.

I don't know if any of you heard about this, but I thought it was priceless. In Oregon, there is a man named Ryan Homsely who just recently was found out to be the 'Where's Waldo Bank Robber'. Now this bank robber wasn't just any old bank robber... he was a stupid one.

He began to post some of his successes on facebook, changed his statuses involving bank robbing, and uploaded a profile picture of the Where's Waldo bandit. One of his statuses even said that he 'was now a bank robber.' I love how he just outs himself on Facebook. Like seriously? I could rob a bank better than you.

When I heard this story I logged onto facebook, searched 'Ryan Homsely' and found his profile. To my excitement it was an open profile and I could see his wall. It's absolutely hilarious, look at it if you have facebook. Do you want to know what I did next?

I added him.

1 comment:

  1. bahahahahahahhahahhah.... You added him! You crack me up!
