Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

Picture: Utah (you can tell by the mountains, Texas doesn't have mountains... *sob*). And no I totally did not take that picture while driving....?

It's raining today, and I absolutely love it! I love it when it just pours here. Except when I'm out running or something and I'm like "great, this just bumped up the chances of me turfing it times like a billion." What especially rocks is when you're having a movie night with a bunch of friends over and it's pouring. Now that rocks.

My room actually looks like someone lives in it now! I mean we've been here for a year so let's hope it looks like it... Wow, one whole year in Texas. I don't know how I did it. It's weird, I still don't feel like I live here, I feel like I still live in Switzerland, or I should be moving again. This whole moving all the time thing has messed up my brain, I swear.

HOLY FRIGGIN COW. WE'RE ABOUT TO GO PICK UP SIRI. Have I ever been this nervous? No. There are now 6 people in my family. How weird is this...

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