Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hey, hey hey hey.

This is Siri, me and Sarah at a party over the weekend. I love these girls.

This is me and Jeff's parents, Mark & Valerie.
Well, I am blessed. That's for sure.

Okay I know I've been sucking at blogging lately. I love doing it when I'm actually doing it, but when I'm not I'm like "Mehhhhh I have more important things to do and blah blah blah I should just delete my whole blog." But I think maybe I'll try harder.

So this is where I am right now: sitting at the table by the kitchen, waiting for 9 other people to get ready because I thought we were leaving at 9 for San Antonio so I woke up at 7 45, but no one is ready. Perfect time to blog!

We have some friends from Switzerland here visiting with us, and they are a BLAST. Seriously, I absolutely adore them. Yesterday we went to NASA with them and today we're driving to San Antonio. I'm excited. Oh yes and yesterday I got to drive around 5 crazy little girls and party hard and dance and sing.

My stomach hurts and I don't know why. AHHHHHHH. It's raining outside and we have to drive in this weather. I took the SAT December 4th and it went better than expected. I got a guitar for Christmas. My room is cold. I don't want school to start on Tuesday.

Jeff's parents came to visit. I love them.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas guys :)

This is my 101st post. Cool beans guys, cool beans.

Well finals are this week. I have no time whatsoever. Right now in my life, I am between a rock and a hard place in a lot of different aspects. But hey! I don't mind that much, it's all good. I'll figure it out over time I think...

I really don't have time right now but once this week is over I'll blog a lot more and update in full depth!

Love always,


Thursday, December 9, 2010


Okay dude. I have not been blogging at all lately, I am SO SORRY. Life is just too much right now and I have no life whatsoever. Kim has been getting on my case too because I haven't been blogging on either.

School is INSANE. I have so much stinkin' stuff to do all the time and I'm sleep deprived. Can I give you a more in depth update later? I have to go study my butt off for Pre Calculus.

Remember who you are and what you stand for-


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Draw a map, find a path, take a breath and run.

Sorry guys, I just don't ever have time anymore. This is craziness. School and everything else is taking over my life and the past few weeks have been intensely stressful. However, they have also been intensely wonderful :)

Well, life is cray cray. Let me just elaborate on a couple of cool things-

Tuesday this Dutch professor from Holland named Mient Jan Faber came to speak on war, specifically the war on Iraq, and I got excited because he is from Den Haag which is where I used to live! So afterwards I waited to go speak to him and we started talking, and then I asked him about how to get in contact with students in war zone because that was something he mentioned that really intrigued me. He gave me his card so I just emailed him and I'm excited out of my mind for his response. 

This upcoming Monday we're all going to my aunt and uncle's house in Atlanta, Georgia, and Siri and I cannot wait. I'm driving Siri and I (13 hours!) so we're going to have tons of fun blasting music and talking and being crazy. I love love love Thanksgiving.

Weeeeeeeeell, the church's head graphics department in SLC contacted me and told me to keep checking up with the media section of the because my pictures should be on it! Or on the church magazines, so I have to keep on the watch. That's kind of exciting.

I can't wait to go on a mission.

I'm doing really well in English right now, and that means a buttload to me because I love that teacher and I absolutely love writing. English III AP is not an easy class, in fact it's my second hardest (Pre cal being the first...) but I actually enjoy it. My teacher in that class is a phenomenal woman too. 

I want to learn guitar.

And that's pretty much all that has been going down. Remember who you are,


Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today was an incredible day. Some things happened that just filled me to the absolute brim with happiness and made me recognize really how blessed I am. I honestly have so, so much to be grateful for, and I'm so pleased that I've gotten to the point where even when things suck, I still know why I should be happy. I have many reasons to be content with my life... including so, so many people that enhance my life to the fullest. 

Tonight I got down on my knees and prayed for longer than I've prayed in a really long time. I know who I am, I know who I want to be, and I know exactly how I'm getting there.

Life is too short to be anything but happy, and I'm so glad I know that.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Today is a special Monday. But only because I made it special. I decided to start fresh this week on a lot of different levels. So therefore, it is special.

One thing I thoroughly enjoyed today is after school I went to my room, changed, got under my covers and about 3 comforters and listened to music for about an hour before I actually started anything. It felt SO good, let me tell ya. There isn't anything I love more than my bed, for sure.

This weekend should be great :) Yes, it is Monday and I'm already thinking about it. One day at a time, I know. But I cannnoooottttttttttttt waiiiiiiiiitttttttt:)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


This weekend rocked. Download:

Friday Sarah and I went to a concert downtown at the House of Blues, and we saw Ladylike, Gold Motel, Steel Train, and Fun. IT. WAS. FREAKING. AWESOME. We had a blast and I liked every single band that played so I was a happy camper. Fun. was so good, and I absolutely loved singing along. It was a great day.

Saturday was a 'get stuff done' day so I... got stuff done. I got a hair cut (8cm!), went shopping with Siri, then went to Brynn's dance show at Kinkaid with Sarah & Siri and got to see some of my Kinkaid peeps. The dance show was phenomenal and I had quite a fabulous time :)

Now it's Sunday. I love my life. Life is good, God is good, and I am happy.

Remember who you are,