Sunday, August 8, 2010

Alright, alright, alright alright alright HEY.

Company name: The Greater Light.
EFY rocked. At first I wasn't so hot on my company, but they got cooler as time went on, haha. I got to see Spence, Johnny, and Soren too which was SO exciting. Swiss reunion! Not to mention Gavin came to visit too. It. was. fabulous. The theme was Courage to stand strong and the scripture was "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Joshua 1:9. It couldn't have been a better theme.

So I learned a lot this past week. I took a buttload of notes, and I've all of them right here with me so I'll share some with you:
- adversity is when God is rubbing off our rough edges and sensitizing us for our great responsibilities ahead.
- why do bad things happen to good people? maybe because God loves us so much more than He loves our happiness (think about it)
- come what may and love it
- don't set the Lord's watch because he doesn't wear one.
- no one can dictate who you are
- keep your standards high, even when you're standing alone.
- 'faites-vous un festin des paroles du Christ' (feast upon the words of Christ)
- kisses aren't like apricots.
- our choices impact today, tomorrow and forever.
- always put God first. always.
- Familes: for ever. for always. no matter what.
- it's not the
or the
it's the
At-one-ment. Atonement. One. Jesus was the one.

When the guys and the girls split for classes, Bro. Bettinger took some notes some of the guys had given him and put them up on the screen. They had to do with modesty and respecting your body, and one note from a guy in the session said this:
'Why do girls compromise when they are queens?'
And holy cow, I think every girl in there had a tear in her eye. I don't think girls these days realize the guys you want to attract don't like girls who flaunt and disrespect their bodies. But we kept hearing comments like this (I wrote them down) I wish the girls understood how hard we boys work at keeping our thoughts clean. But there are times that girls make the choice to wear things that make it harder for me to honor that. It takes courage for a girl to be modest, and it's not just helping themselves, but us. Just wow. And if a guy doesn't think like that, then he's not the kind of guy you want to waste time on anyways. Guys like that rock.

But anyways, it was an incredible week. I learned so, so much. Not to mention so many phenomenal teachers who you know care about you individually. Bro. Scott was such a huge help to me, I waited after class one day to talk to him about something that was bothering me, and even though I couldn't hold myself together, he just seemed like I was the only thing that mattered right then. I could tell he genuinely wanted to talk and help as much as he could. If only he knew how much that meant to me.

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