Sunday, September 12, 2010

So I was looking through old photos and I found this one. That's the 'rents with a cute little Indian family that converted and was in our ward. They were amazing and their dad was the sweetest man you've ever met. I miss them.
You know what is super cool? The world is a very small place. It's even smaller when you're Mormon. And it's even SMALLER when you're an expat. It's just craziness all around.

Yesterday I was driving Brynn home from my house and we were blasting Like a G6 (making up our own lyrics... best thing ever) and it might just win the award for funniest driving moment of my life. I love her and I almost hit the curb. Here is a quote from her that captures her essence perfectly: "If you don't ask him you'll end up like me! And now I spend all my time learning about terrorism!"

I'm stressing about homecoming... Like legitimately stressing. I am so stupid sometimes you guys, it's ridiculous. Hah oh deary me what am I going to do with myself? I don't know. I just don't know. Oh one more thing... you know what absolutely tanks? When you spend a LONG time stressfully doing something for someone and they don't even acknowledge or see what you did. Not like I'm asking for a thanks, but they didn't even get what you were doing for them, and it was something really important to you. And in the end you're like "Great. I fail at life and you didn't even get to see what I worked on for you." argh, sorry I just complained. Sorry sorry sorry.

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