Thursday, July 1, 2010

Never let your prayin' knees get lazy...

... and love like crazy.

We've made it to the motherland (utah)! Let's recap yesterday, our traveling day. It was quite the experience. We left a little late so mom went down the highway like a speed demon and we had time to spare. It was rockin'. We got on the plane, and it was a really fast plane right. I was like yeaaa. Except for that time when it was dead quiet and Bubby loudly exclaims 'I wish I wasn't wearing pants'.

Then we got off and that's when it really started to pick up. We were taking that train thingy to get to the baggage claim and this woman walks up to my mom and is talking to her in broken english and my mom just flat out starts talking to her in fluent spanish and the lady just stared her down and this is what her face was saying
"DAAAANG white girl speaks spanish!"
It was the funniest thing ever. EVER. Her face was priceless. Then they started talking about stuff and she was like 'So where are you going?' and my mom said Utah and she was like 'Oh, my daughter met some people from there! Baptists!' and my mom was like 'Are you sure they weren't mormon?' and she was like 'OH YEA MORMON!' And it was funny. Little did the lady know that my mom was mormon too and served her mission in the DR. Hahaha.

Then we went to go get our bags and I realized when my sisters and I get going and laughing we are obnoxiously loud. Seriously, I act like I'm 10 when I'm around them its kinda weird.

So today I went to the rec center. First I played basketball by myself. It was sad. Then I did the track with mom, elliptical, then a couple of lay ups and left. Then went walking to get a drink with mama. Then went and helped grandma shop for the big party tomorrow which is going to be craziness but I'm super excited!

I haven't heard 'Let's hear it for the boy' by Denise Williams FOREVER and I heard it on the radio today and I freaked! I can't stop singing it, and I'm sure someone around me it going to put duct tape over my mouth sooner or later.

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