Friday, July 23, 2010

Anxiety to the max.

I just feel anxious today. I'm having a photographer's crisis. I just feel so inadequate, I get on flickr and just freak because everyone is SO GOOD. And right now I would give anything to get Explored. So, stinking, COOL. I'm just impatient today and it's one of those days where I'm just like 'AHHGHHGHGG' all over the place and Abby is trying really hard to get on my nerves.

Another thing. I'm so, so not excited to go back to Texas to be completely honest. I'm just not. I don't want to go back to school, I don't want to go back to the gross weather, I don't want to go back to life. And to be honest I just don't like my school and I feel as if this upcoming year is going to be the death of me. I mean academically it's great, but other than that I just don't care much for it at all. I don't like complaining because it makes me feel like a super bad person so I'm sorry... but I just have to vent somewhere you know? I'm mega sorry, I'm just moody right now.

Lucky Caleb, he gets to deal with me. Haha, we're about to go to dinner then we're seeing Inception (my 2nd time) and it'll be fun. Maybe it'll shake me out of this dang mood.

Since I've been such a debbie downer today lets think of one good thing... uhhh... errr... ehhh....
EFY IS IN 10 DAYS! And Spencer called me last night. That was two good things. BAYUM!

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