Sunday, June 27, 2010


Oh my heavens. FLICKR. One of my close friends en suisse bought me a pro flickr account as a present. I almost DIED I was that excited. I absolutely love it. Its so great! I've had so much fun. And this picture was the one I was most proud of today. I have a couple more from the same shoot on my flickr account of bubby. She is so great to take pictures with. She doesn't even pose, she just naturally takes these amazing pictures.

There's a song I really like that starts like this:
Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart
And you know you were their armour
I have no idea why I've been thinking about this so much, but I have. Every time I hear it I think of my little sisters. I'd take a bullet for them any day, but do I act like it all the time? I know I don't, I'm not anywhere near perfect. I need to be better at showing them I love them. I just want them to know for a fact that I would do anything for them, and I mean I'm leaving the nest soon. I want them to absorb everything I've learned in life so they're don't have to go through the stupid little things in middle school and high school, but I know that's not how it works. I guess I just have to show them as much as I can that I love them, then let them learn on their own. Gosh I love them.

By the way, yesterday could have been the most clumsy day of my life. First I fell in a toilet. Then I slipped MEGA freaking bad upstairs and got a huuuuge bruise on my hip. It's cool. And I was bleeding on my leg. I was like SCORE, that's really attractive. Then later I hit myself multiple times in multiple places (not gonna go into that, its just stupid) and tripped a further time spilling water everywhere. Then, I burned myself and had to ice it forever. I'm not normally like that though so that's a comfort. I think I need help.

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