Saturday, May 15, 2010

Idiopathic craniofacial erythema, say whaaat?

Oh hey guess what I'm a Memorial Mustang. Okay so last night whilst I was watching a movie, I made a list of all of the things I should blog about.

1. North Korea: I am so scared for those poor, poor people. I was watching a documentary on it and they filmed this girl singing a nursery song about killing the Americans. Sad? I think yes. But those poor people live in such bad conditions and no one cares.

3. FRESCO'S: After the dinner with the fambam we went for ice cream. It was raining like crazy so bubby got out of the car and was running in the rain, so I ran after her to grab her hand so she wouldn't slip. THEN TURFED IT ON THE CEMENT IN THE RAIN. Freak, it hurt. So I decided to get back in the car, drenched, my pride out the window. Haha oh good times... good times...

7. Blushing: I have this problem with blushing whenever I'm embarrassed or flattered and its really getting out of hand. Honestly, like its the most ridiculously embarrassing thing ever because I can't control it and its easy to know my feelings about stuff because I'll just BLUSH IT ALL OUT. I think this is what I have. Except I don't have any sort of social phobia...

'A medical condition known as Idiopathic craniofacial erythema exists, in which the sufferer blushes strongly with little or no provocation. This is related to social phobia.'

9. Texas weather is crazy! That is all.


  1. thiis blog is amazing...

  2. Hey, I randomly came across your blog and noticed "Idiopathic craniofacial erythema" in your list here. I have they same thing! I don't have social phobias either, it's just annoying when it happens for the stupidest reasons, right?

    Glad to know I'm not the only one! Thanks for posting!

  3. AHhh yes! It's so embarrassing! It happens to be alllllll the time!
