Tuesday, May 4, 2010

But nobody heard, and the world turned, and the world turned...

I'm sorry but my creative juices aren't flowing today.

NIGAHIGA?! Do you watch his videos on youtube? He is so, so funny. I was watching one of his videos today and I think he's quite a looker, PLUS he's HAWAIIAN. Which is another one of my obsessions... um what who said that? Haha jokes jokes... kinda.

I'm sick and I sound REALLY quite hilarious. I almost want to take advantage of this funny-ness and record a video to watch later on and laugh at myself.

So the 'rents are out of town and we have some family friends staying with us. They're a couple with a little girl and they're SO great. And today as we were doing the dishes after dinner, Mike and I were talking about traveling and moving and things like that. I realized something I've thought about before really does apply to me- if my future hubby wants to stay in one spot the rest of his life, things might just not work out so hot. From constantly moving to different states and/or countries, I've developed a sort of craving/passion with familiarizing myself with different countries, people, and cultures. I just... love it, and I can't really explain it but hey. Its one of those things that is just flat out fun for me. I want to live in Asia one day, as well as Africa, and the list of places I want to visit goes on forever... All I can do now is wait I guess.

I already miss my parents and its only been 15 hours. Not even a day. I also decided today that pre-cal is going to kick my butt.

I'm listening to: The Gabe Dixon Band.

Right now I wish I was: in Switzerland. Or wake boarding. Better yet wake boarding IN Switz on Lake Geneva. BAYUM.

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