Thursday, April 29, 2010

I survived.

I don't want this blog to become a place for me to just complain about my bodily problems, but I wanted to blog about this. There's more to it than just stomach pains anyways :)

So yesterday the last few periods of the day I was having a bit of a stomach ache but I thought it was no big deal so I ignored it. But then during seminary before mutual, it got bad. Then during mutual it got to the point where it was pretty horrific. I'm not gonna lie it was probably the worst stomach pains I have ever had in my life, my gosh. By the time I got home I thought I was going to die. I ended up staying home today and I missed TAKS. Oops.
But anyways, back to the point. When it got really bad during mutual, I went to the mother's room with Lauren and Brynn and I was crying (I know how embarassing, normally I can take that kind of stuff, I'm such a wuss). It was then when I had one of those moments where you're just like 'Wow. I love them and what would I do without them, and they're still my friends even though I'm a freak.' I honestly think I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have the friends I have, even if they're all spread out across the world. Not to mention how everyone just shows concern for you, and you know they really care. Especially all of the leaders and parents at church.

It gets better: today I was home sick and Brynn and Julia came over and we went walking and ended up talking for forever in my room. I just feel so lucky to have the friends I do. We're so alike and so different and I know I can tell them anything and I know they won't judge me no matter what. They always know the right things to say.

My friends here in Texas couldn't be better and I've been able to share experiences with them that I wouldn't be able to do with just anyone else. I hope my friends here know that because they have been one of the main contributors to making this move easier. I hope they know how much I love them. I hope they know they are some of the best people I've met, the cream of the crop.

I thank our Heavenly Father every day for all of the incredible people in my life. So yea, thats my post about them. :)

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